Sunday, October 31, 2010

'The Headless Horseman"

This is one of my favorite halloween traditions. I watch it every year, my kiddos are still too small to appreciate it, but I get a kick out of it still.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Welcome to the strange and wonderful world that is my life.  Actually, there is really nothing strange about it.  It's absurdly ordinary.  I live in a middle class neighborhood, I have a house and a minivan and a dog and husband I love and two beautiful boys that I hope will grow to be exceptional men.  Maybe that is out of the ordinary now.  Come to think of it, I know very few people anymore who live a "normal" life like mine, so in that sense I suppose it is a little strange, and absolutely blessed. I'm going to blog about my strange and ordinary little life so that I can share what works for a working mom of two and what doesn't and also, just maybe, it's a little cathartic for me.